When there is a bond between two people that is deep, there is never reason to say goodbye, for they will always be connected, no matter how far away ..........
ktk ambik MBA ajak....bcos u have deg in econ and dip in investment....so u have advantage. but one thing MBA u have to face reading subject.....u have to luv reading subject.
amik mba..nnti ley wat business:_)
ambik lah...master of science hehehe boleh jd doktor hahaha
ktk ambik MBA ajak....bcos u have deg in econ and dip in investment....so u have advantage. but one thing MBA u have to face reading subject.....u have to luv reading subject.
kalu keja gov...
master mana pun...
gaji sama ja... hehehehhe
tapi aku prefer master in economic,
lebih susah dari MBA dan MSC...
sebab economic boleh diramal tap hanya oleh pakar tapi tak dak sapa tau, tahap mana kegawatan atau pembangunan mampu dicapai...
just 1 sen opinion...
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